About the author

Aaron Levine is an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Policy at Georgia Tech. His research interests focus on the interplay between public policy and biomedical research with a particular focus on issues raised by the emergence of new ethically-contentious biomedical technologies. His dissertation, completed at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, addressed the impact of public policy on the development of human embryonic stem cell science both in the United States and around the world.

Aaron has published scholarly science and social science articles in a number of journals including Nature Biotechnology, Nature Genetics, and Nucleic Acids Research. He also edited States and Stem Cells: The Policy and Economic Implications of State-Funded Stem Cell Research, a multi-author work examining the impact of state-specific funding for stem cell research in the United States.

In addition to a Ph.D. in Public Affairs from Princeton, Aaron holds an M.Phil. from the University of Cambridge, where, as a Churchill Scholar, he studied computational biology at the Sanger Centre and developed algorithms to help analyze the human genome sequence. As an undergraduate, Aaron was a Morehead Scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he studied biology and computer science. Prior to moving to the Woodrow Wilson School, Aaron worked as a strategy consultant at Bain and Company and served as a Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellow with the Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy at the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

Copyright ©2007 Aaron D. Levine Published by Oneworld Publications